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martes, 30 de junio de 2009

Happy Birthday dear!

Well maybe I haven't known Moy for 18 years, but 6 years have been great! A wonderful friend, roomate, advisor, life coach, party buddy, etc. We share common interests, hobbies and some thoughts... but sometimes he comes up with the craziest ideas and makes the day!

We've lived together, travelled together and made smart and short moments.... the most memorable times! We even share a language we can only understand!

You are a great person Moy and I really wish you spend a great life... enjoy, party, discover, value and especially if you get drunk...don't forget to invite us!

Remember... wherever you go, there you are! ;-) Tqm!!

2 comentarios:

Edward Foss dijo...

yeh boozer! aahahahaha!!! siempre pensando en alcohol!!!

uno escribiendo aca con el corazon en la mano y tu con tu alcoholismo! hahaha :P

gLo dijo...

jajajaj tu con el corazon en la mano y yo con la copa en la mano jajajaja

la copa de vino vdd! jajaja

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